-Part 3-
It is recommended that the reader print the “Flash Drive Forms” and “Terms and Definitions” page prior to reviewing this online educational platform to aid one’s comprehension and understanding.
Recovery Protocol-Part 3
Making of a Recovery
To support the inclusion of the “Recovery Protocol Breakthrough” in the meeting room space, salient recovery data is required for the person and their provider. As a result, Citizen Psychiatry has developed our proprietary “Flash Drive Forms” for consumers, available on this platform, to port critical recovery data, completed in the comfort of one’s home, into The Meeting Room. In a single sitting, the provider can see the chief components identified that impede recovery and personal resources that build recovery rather than taking months to accumulate the same information. The Flash Drive Forms information also provides a map of a person’s recovery landscape. This program utilizes this information on the Flash Drive Forms to kick-start recovery and see it through. Also, the program outlines the methodology and provides a step-by-step guide for providers and consumers. A section on the Flash Drive Forms is also devoted to physician providers and the patients served.
The Birth of Recovery
The first generation of “The Recovery Orientation Framework” aimed to create a community and institutional system oriented towards a climate that supports making recovery possible beginning in the 1980s. Since then, adopting a recovery-oriented climate has shown through decades of research to provide an excellent channel that creates space for a person to empower themselves to live a person-led life with the illness in tow or not in tow. Countries like Ireland, the UK, the US, Australia, and Canada have adopted this system approach, producing robust results. The American Psychiatric Association produced training modules aimed at showing their members and other providers in mental health how to generate a recovery climate within their meeting room with the patient. Access to these modules is through a link in the chapter, The Framework for Recovery Orientation.
However, what has remained unsolved until now is the development of a program applied to the didactic exchange between the consumer and their provider within the meeting room that offers leverage to unearth a person’s strengths and capacity to facilitate recovery directly and in conjunction with the setting of a recovery climate. This program provides the means to achieve this.
The Big Ask
Today, many people find the world of psychiatry and supporting mental health services puzzling and confusing after all the horn-tooting by media echoing the institutional voices of psychiatry, saying, “Effective treatment is a walkway starting with your primary doctor.” For many people living this fallacy, the question becomes,
-What happens next when medications are insufficient, besides more drug trials?
In Citizen Psychiatry, the answer lies with each consumer to take the reins of their life in another direction. “The Big Ask” is a challenge made to consumers to be their agent of change. It involves consumers approaching and speaking to their providers about the recovery protocol program to kick-start their recovery, be they psychiatrists, Nurse Practitioners, Social Workers, Primary Physicians, Peers, Psychotherapists, Community Support Workers, Clergy, or Psychologists. Citizen Psychiatry sees this regenerative practice as value added to the treatment equation and other professional disciplines. The Program Site outlines how to approach one’s provider under the chapter Providers On Board.
In closing, for the many millions of individuals experiencing the condition of “medication resistance” with longstanding depression and anxiety disorders that are undermining their lives with no end in sight, the Recovery Protocol Breakthrough provides a program of practice that can, in partnership with one’s service provider be applied to provide the opportunity to, Own One’s Life Again.
Stand Up |Take Charge
“We are all in this together.”
-The Recovery Specialist