-Camp “A”-

It is recommended that prior to engaging this Advanced R.B.C., Flash Drive Forms-Section 1, Survey C-Definitions & Terms sequencing instructions and starting session protocol are in play.

Ensure Future Facing Protocol, Encouraging Questions, Free Floating and Session Ending Questions are applied (see Preparations and Standards) after a round of Advanced R.B.C.

Camp A: Recovery Driver Focus
1) The physician selects 3 structured questions, from the following list below as the “Lead Questions” along with three follow-up questions under the umbrella of “Secondary Questions” from Camp “B”.

2) The patient decides on which driver of focus shall be engaged from the Top “6” list, Section 1,Survey C. It is not required that all drivers within one treatment period be addressed as long as each one in the end is addressed, in a timely fashion, spread over two to three sessions, in succession.

Important: The structured list of questions for R.B.C. are constructed with specific purposes in mind. The physician is asked to pose each question as written, word by word. If the patient is unclear, read the question again and if this is not sufficient, then the physician can ask, “what do you think this question is asking?” or offer their professional take. The patient needs to land on an understanding, and the initial question is posed again in order to proceed.

Of Note: In each question, the ‘x’ notation requires the questioner to name the driver of focus. Also, there is no order to the questions posed and no criteria required for selecting them.

1) Start with posing the first question from Camp “A”. Once answered and discussed, one secondary question from
Camp “B” list is posed. Once finished, this completes the first layered of this round of R.B.C. Repeat this
sequence, for the second or mid layer, for round two and then proceed with another round to complete the bottom or
third layer three. At this end, a total of of six questions would have been posed and addressed. This completes one
full cycle of Advanced R.B.C.

2) Ensure: during and after a full round of R.B.C is completed, the “Pause Protocol”; Encouraging Questions and Free
Floating questions are in play.

3) Ensure: Future Pacing questions are posed for the specific recovery driver of focus after a full cycle of of Advanced
R.B.C has been completed.

4) Ensure: Session Ending Protocol is applied to close out that Treatment Room time.

Camp “A”-Lead Questions (Select from the following)

-What, in your mind, if you had to think about it, continues to draw you to “x” as a recovery driver….what do think
allows you to think this way?

-What might “x”, as a recovery driver, if you guessed, allows you to draw on, that leaves you in a better place than if
you did not have this driver at all?

-What could “x”, as a recovery driver, be signaling or messaging to you about what makes this “x” of importance to
your life…what leads you to believe this, in your mind…speculate on the relevance to what you have just said on
your present recovery efforts?

-If “x”, as a recovery driver , did not exist, where would this leave you in your recovery journey…what are you
indicating is the value of “x” in your life for supporting a recovery?

-What would you say “x”, as a recovery driver, brings more “of “ to your life, that would not otherwise be there to this
degree… why would you think this way…in what way, small or large, is this degree of “more” relevant to this recovery
journey of yours?

-Speculate a bit, on what you are valuing or giving value to, personally, in your life by engaging “x”, as a recovery
driver…what is this “value” about in your estimation…if you can, take a moment and share how this named value, is
meaningful to your life…what difference, if any, does holding such a “meaning” linked to making to a recovery
possible ?

-What do you think “x”, as a recovery driver, brings to you, in ways, when facing the constant stress of The Illness,
than if it was present …what are you saying, makes this driver a keeper, in your mind?

-What likely “attitude” is being demonstrated, if you had to hazard a guess, is “x”, as a recovery driver, showing that
you have that is of value …what makes this attitude set a countermeasure to the kind of negative thinking circulating
from living with The Illness … what are you speaking to, about the attitudes significance and importance by what
you have shared… what kind of person do you feel holds such attitudes, in your estimation…to what degree are you
speaking about yourself…is this a good place to be… why would you take this position as you make your way towards
a recovery ?

– Consider, in any small or large ways, what might ‘x”, as a recovery driver, might be contributing to keeping “hope”
alive for you…what lets you know this….how would you say this place of “hopefulness” leaves you in feeling and in
thoughts as you reflect that is beneficial…do you find this “hopefulness” is more like protective shield; comfort
blanket; inspiration provoking or a future determinate, in function…how in knowing this, does this leave you
thinking about the impact and role you play in recovery…what makes you say this?

-What has it taken, to continue keeping “x”, as a recovery driver, alive, despite the struggles and challenges faced… what would you say makes this effort worth it…. why would you view what you said in this way?

-What possible message or signal can you think of, that you are giving to yourself by committing to “x”, as a recovery driver, no matter what the challenges faced… what makes this message or signal of importance, in your estimation, to your recovery endeavors….what leads you to say this ?

– Take a guess at what it is about yourself that can account for you holding on to “x”, as a recovery driver, through
thick and thin in your life…what does this tell you about the person you are….what are you saying by way of this
acknowledgement is the role, you as an actor, can play in your recovery….what are your thoughts on this…how would
you say any aspect of this actor role would play out for your road to recovery ?

“We are all in this together.”

-The Peer Therapist