“Folder A”
Recovery Talking Points for Printing
Entry Core Stream|Part 1: FOLDER (A)
Section 1, Survey B, What Feeds My Recovery
Recovery Talking Points:
1) What comes to mind, when you look over the current landscape of recovery drivers from Survey B Is it sparse or robust…. what is it that you are seeing that has led to this impression of liking what you see or do not see…. does this impression offer you confidence or feelings of failure… what led you to this thinking… what may this suggest to you about the state of your recovery presently…. how does this leave you feeling and in thoughts about knowing you have this impression… what is it like sitting in this position…. in what way does this state of your recovery affect how you conceive of your future?
2) Without the fabric of recovery drivers currently in play, what degree of grip would “The Illness” have in your life… what would you be experiencing in areas of your life like family, friendships, employment, partner relationships, parenting, sexuality, leisure, health, as a result?
3) What recovery drivers identified have allowed you to live another day… how has each driver of significance identified accomplished this by what they offer to you?
4) Describe what has it taken until now to keep these drivers identified and knitted into the fabric of one’s life… what does it take, presently, for you to keep these drivers alive in the face of the stress of The Illness?
5) What does your capacity to hold onto these drivers, through thick and thin, say about your abilities and capabilities… speculate on what this acknowledgment might begin to tell you about the type of person you are… what are you giving value to, in your mind, by way of what you have just shared?
Part 3: Section 1, Survey C, Top 6 Drivers
Recovery Talking Points:
1) Tell me about the history of each driver, how it came to be; how long the driver has been in your life… what caught your interest at first that led to you valuing its presence in this way…. what have you gained by engaging this driver… if this driver stopped being present in your life what would be noticed about this loss, that speaks to its value?
2) What has shaped each driver to become so important over the others identified in Survey B…collectively, what in your mind, do these drivers offer to form the legs, on which to stand, in order, to hold yourself up the best you can in the face of The Illness?
3) What way is there, by practice, to further strengthen the influence and potency of these significant drivers on deck? Consider the when, where, duration, frequency, resources and with whom.
Part 4: Section 1, Survey D, The Uplifting Force
Recovery Talking points:
1) What does the scoring begin to tell or show you about what supports a recovery….comment on the score’s connection with building Person Directed Living as a prominent feature in your life. (See Discovery Exercise “Who is at the Helm” page)… what do you think leads you to this viewpoint of thinking… In what way can this scoring begin to inform or signal you about the role one can play in making a recovery possible?
2) If the strength of the Uplifting Force was only half of what currently exists, speculate on the difference this would have on your life with The Illness. Consider- a) the stress load endured, b) the drive for recovery, c) the strength of The Illness, d) the effect on life activities, e) social engagement, f) the influence on roles of significance, g) the effect on family and community involvement. From this viewing point what can be conjectured as to the value and role of recovery drivers to feed a recovery… (pause to answer)…and feed the Uplifting Force?
3) When looking at the Dragging Effect force in play, how would you describe the balancing role of having the opposing Uplifting Force on keeping a recovery alive… what does this inform you of the Uplifting Forces place in the recovery equation… what are your thoughts on this position… how does this leave you feeling and thinking, as opposed to how the Dragging Effect (Section 2, Survey G) score wants leaves you in feeling and thinking… what is it like knowing you possess this counter stance…speculate how holding such a viewpoint be of value and use?
Part 5: Section 3, Impact Statements
Exercise 1
1) What was discovered, affirmed or brought more into awareness about the value of each driver’s richness based on the dimension tones identified … what tones stand out that give richness to living a more Person Directed Life… look at each tone identified and comment on their effect and how they leave you feeling; how does having this awareness and knowledge leave you thinking about what you are providing and contributing to the Uplifting Force in driving the recovery forward…. is this a good space to be in…what leads you to say this amid the struggles, pain and suffering from the Illness presence?
Ensure each new driver placed on the deck of the Top 6 has their dimension tones laid out.
Section 3- Impact Statements
Exercise 2,
Recovery Talking Points:
1) What was discovered, affirmed, or brought more awareness about The Illness’s impact on your life and view of self… what stands out as the key themes identified that have been holding you back…. what lets you know this… The Illness wants you to hold what you have identified close to your chest, what is your stance or position on this…what leads you to this viewpoint… what does this stance begin to shed light on regarding what is of importance… in what way is this position of importance connect to the life you want to lead… how does this acknowledgment sit with you speculate what your life would be like without a position like this… in what small or large way can this position be useful for your recovery purposes… what is your take on this development… what kind of title name or phrase would be fitting, in your mind, upon reflection, to call this development… what is the meaning behind this naming… what is the takeaway message to yourself about this naming significance… how does this leave you feeling and thinking, with this development. What is it like knowing this?
2) With the aforementioned development named, what is giving value to… if this development was viewed as a prized resource and you were to draw on this richness, speculate on an actionable step or steps that can spring forth to contribute further to your recovery drive… speak to the reasonableness of such actionable(s)… how likely is it for you to consider or implement such actionable steps… what in your mind needs to be in place to make this commitment to proceed… in knowing this window of opportunity is open to you now, how does this leave you feeling and thinking… what is it like knowing this?
Section 3- Impact Statements
Exercise 3
Recovery Talking Points:
1) The Illness wants to deflect you away from seeing your own truth, what is your stance on this… is this a stance you want to hold on to and carry forward… what leads you to think this way…. what in your mind would happen to your recovery efforts if the status quo is maintained or worsens by how The Illness wants you to believe about yourself… speak to what is it about you that has not allowed The Illness to completely paint over the picture of yourself to-date… what does this let you know about what you are capable of…what thoughts and feelings begin to surface about having such a capacity… how familiar was this capacity known to you… how affirming is it to hear this capacity is held by you… what is your takeaway from this?
2) What was discovered, affirmed, or brought more into your awareness about what The Illness sold to you about what is true or not true about yourself… what is it like knowing you have held onto your own beliefs despite the whispers of The Illness to the contrary… what does this say about you about your ability to not give away all you value to the Illness’s way of thinking… what might this ability begin to let you know about your character and strengths to hold onto what is of value… how does this leave you feeling and thinking, as a result?
3) What key way(s) of viewing yourself held in this exercise would need to be built up more in order to lead the way towards furthering your recovery… speak to the effects and the difference made to this building on living a more Person Directed Life… in reviewing your recovery landscape (Section 1, Survey B) speak to recovery drivers that can play a role in a self-building project… in looking over the Hurdles Landscape (Section 2, Survey E) what barriers can be tackled that can also play a role in building up your self-image… what are you giving value to by the thought building up of your self-image…what makes this a value to commit to… is this a positive or negative step to make… explain why?
“We are all in this together.”
-The Recovery Specialist